#335 – How We Make Money From Facebook

74 min read
Podcast by


  • How we plan and build a funnel
  • How we angle and target our ads
  • How much money you should spend on ads

A special thanks to our sponsors for this episode, Digital PR Agency Search Intelligence.

Let’s face it. Google is probably never going to be the same easy traffic source it has always been. You won’t be able to solely rely on Google traffic to run an online business anymore, if that’s what you’re used to.

So the question a lot of people are now asking is: What now?

While nothing is a 1:1 replacement to Google search, in this week’s episode, Mark and Gael talk about ONE of the things they’re doing to diversify away from Google traffic: Meta ads.

They’ll show you exactly how they plan and build a funnel, how they angle their ads, how they target them, how much money you should spend, and a ton more practical details so you can take action. They’ll also talk about why they think it’s one of the safest ways to go for traffic and a bunch of other high level debates for those of you who are still on the fence.

Changing Social Media & Diversifying Traffic Sources

Social media platforms are constantly changing, and they’re evolving to give more reach to engaging content, regardless of the number of followers.

It’s now more important than ever to have your own product, and to diversify traffic sources so you’re not relying solely on one platform. You need to be open to different channels, while still utilizing the power of SEO.

The Power of Facebook Ads

Facebook ads are becoming increasing profitable and scalable, particularly in sending traffic directly to sales pages to purchase products.

Platforms like Facebook collect data and use highly sophisticated ad targeting, which allows for much better results. Mark and Gael recommend using organic traffic and customer data to optimize Facebook ad campaigns and reduce costs.

While Facebook pages are currently working well due to the reach of engaging content, Mark and Gael don’t grow Facebook pages themselves, but rather focus on sending traffic directly to sales pages.

Maximizing Profitability with Facebook Ads

There are two main types of campaigns: cold traffic and warm traffic / retargeting campaigns.

Cold traffic campaigns target people who are not familiar with the product or business. Mark and Gael discuss the advantages of using lookalike audiences and expanding the targeting pool through tools like Advantage Lookalike Audiences and Advantage+ Audience.

Warm traffic, or retargeting campaigns, target people who have engaged with the business on previous platforms or visited the website. These campaigns can be highly profitable as they target people who are already familiar with the product.

Mark and Gael provide strategies for creating effective creatives for Facebook ads, whether they are static images or videos. They emphasize the importance of creatives in ad optimization and suggest using tools like Canva to create attractive and engaging ads.

The Power of Video & Static Image Ads

Videos are the most profitable type of ad, with a higher return on ad spend (ROAS) compared to static images. Mark and Gael discuss the format and tactics used in creating a standard video creative for ads, such as starting with a hook, using the PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solution) framework for storytelling, and including credentials or qualifications to build trust.

They suggest using concepts such as statistics ads, “us versus them” ads, and “before versus after” ads. They also provide examples of effective static image ads, including before and after, features and benefits, and hyper casual or native post-like visuals.

Video Ads & the Importance of Sales Pages

It’s essential to create an irresistible offer and sales page when selling products or courses.

Books such as “$100 Million Offers” by Alex Hormozi and the trilogy by Russell Brunson can help you learn how to create great offers and sales pages. Mark and Gael provide comprehensive insights into the creation of an effective sales page, emphasizing the importance of each section.

It’s important to focus on the value provided by the product rather than the production quality of the videos. But creating videos for courses and products has never been easier with smartphones and simple tools like Loom.

The goal of video ads is to get people to click and visit the sales page, where the actual selling is done.

Anatomy of a Sales Page

The Hero section

  • a compelling headline
  • bullet points highlighting what’s inside the product
  • an illustrative image
  • a call-to-action button leading to the pricing section

The Problem section

  • highlights the problems the target audience is facing
  • highlights the consequences of not solving those problems
  • gives a journey to the solution, either from your own perspective or from someone else’s
  • introduces the product as a convenient solution to the problem

The Features & Benefits section

  • focuses on the benefits the product brings
  • includes testimonials and social proof to build trust and credibility

The Pricing section

  • clearly outlines the cost and value of the product
  • urgency and scarcity tactics can be used to create a sense of FOMO

Hey everyone, welcome to the Authority Hacker podcast. 

If you’re new to the show, my name is Gael Breton, and I am with my co-founder, Mark, and we’ve been building online businesses for the past 14 years at this point.  We’ve built sites that we’ve sold, we’ve built agencies, we’ve built all of that. If you’re interested in that, don’t forget to subscribe.  You can listen to this podcast on all the podcast platforms and on, and you can find all the links in the show notes if you want. 

How’s it going, Mark? 

It’s going good, Gael. It’s going very good. I’m excited to talk about something a little bit different, but-
Different than the Google updates? 

Something a little important,

nonetheless, for business owners. 

That’s Facebook ads. 

Yeah, it’s like, look, we need

to talk about this in the context 

of what’s happening right now. 

A lot of people who are listening to us

have relied heavily on Google traffic 

because we’ve talked a lot

about it because we’ve used it. 

Not just heavily, have

relied exclusively on Google. 


100%, yeah. 

And it’s like, Google traffic is harder

to come by with the recent updates. 

Let’s just say that.

Check my podcast with Lily, right? 

I have done last week.

We’ve talked about two weeks ago. 

We talked a lot about the changes. 

The thing is, it’s probably a good time

for people to explore new options right 

now and think about different things. 

We wanted to take some time to talk about

something we do, which is Facebook ads. 

I said in a pre-intro, since 2021,

I think we spent a quarter million pounds, 

so a little bit over $313,000 when I something like this 

on Facebook as a publisher. 

I know if you’re a big ecom,

it’s some money, but it’s not that crazy. 

But for someone who doesn’t run an ecom

store, it’s quite a bit already. 

We’ve learned a few things doing that. 

The point of this podcast is to share the

things we’ve learned while putting them 

into the context of this new reality. 

A lot of people that are building websites

are being put in right now, which is 

trying to find solutions and ways

to live with less Google traffic. 

It’s one of the things that I’ve

Actually, Facebook are getting 

a little bit of popularity right now,

but in a different way than we use it. 

It’s people basically buying likes

to Facebook pages 

so that they can then have some followers,

they post some stuff, 

and then they put some links It’s usually

in the comments these days, 

because if you put a link on the Facebook

page post, it actually 

gets very little reach. 

The goal is to get traffic back

to your site and people still monetize 

with essentially ads, affiliates,

extra, but mostly ads because it’s hard 

to get buying intent from Facebook pages. 

It’s a little bit more click-basedy,

a bit less long content than SEO content. 

The topics are a little bit more

around trending topics rather 

than evergreen keywords, etc. 

But it’s very much the same old formula as

people used to do with Google, basically, 

producing some content,

slapping some ads on it, 

trying to make money from it,

which I personally think if 

things are changing, it’s probably a good

time to rethink that formula as well. 

It’s not even so much that

it’s It’s always been a good time 

to rethink the formula. 

It’s always been a good time

to rethink that formula. 


But for these people who’ve

just been doing that. 

Yeah, exactly. 

But that’s the crux of the issue. 

For the last 10 years, the optimal,

optimal play was to push past that 

and to build your own products and

create a true following, build a brand. 

All the stuff people tell you

to do but never really 

explain particularly well how to. 

It’s always been a great idea to do that. 

And the people making the most money

online have all done that. 

But you could make enough money. 

People were happy enough just essentially

publishing SEO content, getting traffic, 

and getting by with that. 

I think that’s why a lot of people stopped

there because it was low effort, right? 

Yeah, low effort. 

You didn’t have to put yourself forward. 

It was pretty scalable. 

You’d have other people

do all of the work. 

Think of content creation, link building. 

You didn’t have to lift

your finger yourself. 

You could just sit on the beach sipping

mai ties and life was good, right? 

Until it wasn’t. 

Until things slowly,

slowly started to change. 

And it suddenly became a situation. 

We’re suddenly in a situation where

actually, if you want to do really well, 

then you have to start doing those

uncomfortable, awkward things and building 

something more than just a thin content

site that can be replicated 

by anyone else with an a AI tool.


My vision of the market right now

is it’s like two plus in front 

of people that they’re going

to have to pick if they want to do well. 

One side is stay a content creator. 

But if you’re going to be

a content creator, I’m not just 

talking about blogging. 

Blogging alone, if you are a small site,

it’s quite difficult to generate traffic 

to it at this point if you just do that. 

But if you are on YouTube, if you’re

on Instagram, if you do short form 

videos, if you run a newsletter,

this thing, and you can essentially 

get brands to sponsor you. 

It’s not just putting MediaVine

as on your site or whatever. 

It’s making deals with brands like

this podcast is sponsored, for example. 

Doing things like that, you can go

the route of being a content creator, 

not necessarily having a product,

and that’s your company. 

It’s just you create content

and you slap someone else’s company 

on it, you get paid for it. 

And that’s through affiliates

or through sponsorship deals. 

The second way is to essentially be a real

business is to actually sell something. 

Then a lot of avenues for traffic

open up as you sell something. 

That’s really going to be the main topic

of today’s podcast is the business route 

where you create a product

and you sell something. 

Things like Facebook has open up,

things like Google has open up, things 

like recruiting affiliates that

have an email list, for example, open up. 

Traffic salts itself out by changing

your business model rather than 

running after new traffic sources without

changing what’s on your site, basically. 

I really think most people

who want to do well, at least 

medium to long term, are going

to have to pick one of these two paths. 

Am I a content creator? 

Then I need to invest in these other

platforms, be on social media, show 

my face, have a newsletter, this thing. 

Or am I your business? 

In which case, what’s your product? 

Is it a good product? 

Do people want it and like it? 

If you become a business,

it will potentially long term, 

I think, solve your Google problem. 

Yeah, that’s the thing.

Because people write businesses. 

Not only the business model type

situation, but things 

like branded search. 

When people start searching

for your business name, then 

that’s a positive signal. 

And a lot of people are saying

that that’s protecting a lot of people 

from getting hit by updates. 

It’s almost like the less you do

certain parts of SEO and the more 

you focus on the other bit, the more

your SEO is indirectly helped by that. 

I mean, look at us, right? 

It’s like we’re not a huge company. 

We did not collapse

from the Google updates. 

We lost a little bit of traffic here

and there, new sneakers, etc. 

I think we’re minus 10,

15% right now, something like this 

compared to before it started.

I was like, It’s not too bad. 

If you check outside

the H5 is pretty much flat. 

It’s mostly lost to Snibets, really. 

I think it’s because we have products,

basically, and because there’s brand 

search associated with that, et cetera. 

I don’t think… 

It’s like there are blogs

that create content maybe close enough 

to the content we have on our site that

have completely collapsed at this point. 

Fingers crossed, it doesn’t

happen before I publish the podcast. 

I’m not saying that. 

But I’m saying it’s like,

our example, I think, backs this up. 

It’s actually something that

we’ve told people to do for a long time. 

If you actually go check

our get started phase on Authority 

Hacker, you have stage one, stage

two, stage three authority sites. 

The absolute side part

of it is really just stage one. 

It’s really get started. 

A lot of people decided to stick to it

because essentially it made them 

more money than jumping on

stage two and three very often. 

It’s not that it made them more money. 

It’s just that it was easier and it was

easier to repeatedly do it and scale it 

without getting too involved yourself.

Yeah, I guess. 

It was less… 

You retained more freedom. 

Can we say that? 

It’s like doing that in a way. 

But the trade-off is you

traded that for instability. 

You rely on one platform and you

rely on also one or two types of content. 

These things have been shaken

off a lot lately with the updates, 

and so we do that. 

But stage 2 has always been build

an audience and sell them affiliate 

high paying offer, basically. 

Stage 3 was have your own product

and do very much what we’re going 

to talk about today. 

It’s like the model still holds,

but probably things come a lot sooner now 

in terms of having your own product, etc. 

We have a several members

that have done Now, right? 

I mean, Kevin, I think gardening

is probably one of the best examples. 

He’s like the Jamie Oliver

of gardening at this point. 

I predicted it and it’s happening,

so I’m pretty happy for him. 

But check him out.

We have a podcast with him. 

He got an eight-figure investment. 

His company is skyrocketing. 

He started with SEO. 

He got big from social media because SEO

bought his time back and he launched 

a product monetizing this audience. 

Now, he has a really successful e-com

and multiple companies, We have a friend 

who had the same with a VPN. 

I feel inside, he used to rank very well

for VPN keywords, and he decided 

to launch his own VPN company and 10X the

money he made from doing that, basically. 

We have done I had also many times

and many, many years ago. 

If you remember Health and Mission

a long time ago, we have case studies 

on taking blog posts that rank for I feel

queries, launching our own versions of 

the product using Facebook ads as well. 

I think we talked about

Facebook ads back then. 

It’s changed a since then. 

It’s a lot easier. 

So we will update that in this podcast. 

And like 10xing the revenue from the

blog traffic because we own the author 

and we were selling the product. 

We did a blog post on Authority Hacker

about building that funnel. 

It was basically overnight

made $2,500 a month. 

From one blog post there.


The product we made was just basically all

of the blog posts put together with a few 

words, packaged up in an e-book. 

It was really nothing special. 

It was pretty poor, actually,

by our standards now. 

Yeah, I wouldn’t be happy

to sell that right now, to be honest. 

Basically, I think the situation flipped

at this point where it’s easier to build 

a business part than to generate lots of

traffic because getting traffic is more 

challenging now from search, basically. 

The thing as well is it’s not

just search that has changed. 

It’s like there’s also other opportunities

that have opened up. 

Personally, I’m quite hyped up by the way

social media works right now 

compared to how it used to work. 

Maybe four, five years ago, the reach

your content would get was very, very 

dependent on how many followers you have. 

If you have no followers,

you jump on the platform. 

It doesn’t matter how

good your content is. 

Very few people would see. 

Nowadays, because TikTok did so

well, every social platform has evolved 

to the point where you can post content. 

If it gets engagement, they will

distribute it well beyond your following. 

And so it’s quite easy to get… 

That’s why Facebook pages are working

for a lot of people right now, 

because essentially when a post does well,

Facebook just It just keeps pushing it 

because it drives engagement for them,

it creates more ad impressions for them, 

and therefore they do that. 

Just on that, some people

think that MrBeast gets a lot of views 

because he has a lot of subscribers.

It doesn’t matter. 

But it’s actually the other way around. 

He has a lot of subscribers because each

video is really good, it gets pushed, and 

then people subscribe because of that. 

But if he were to start a brand new

account and make the same videos, I’m not 

saying he would do as well, but

it would get really big really quickly. 

Yeah, Yeah. 

It’s nice because there’s a lot less

wait time between you starting and you 

performing to the level of the quality of

your content, basically, on social media. 

You had a good word for this. 

You called it the TikTok-ification

of social media. 

I think that’s a good way to describe it. 

It was ever since TikTok, released

the short form video content, 

the flick-through way, and you could just

go from first video, get tens of millions 

of views if it was a good video. 

Other platforms, they’ve changed, they’ve

adapted, and that’s how a lot of places, 

a lot of them are working these days. 

I mean, on Twitter or LinkedIn,

when I make a good post, 

I get more reach than people that make bad

posts with 200,000 followers, even though 

I don’t have this amount of followers. 

It’s nice. 

You feel rewarded for

making good organic content. 

The third thing that has changed, I think,

in the environment that is going to be 

completely related to what we’re going to

What we’re going to talk about today is 

ad platforms have become incredibly good

at finding customers for you. 


I mean, you can do it for email

subscribers, but it’s so good. 

You shouldn’t even buy that, basically. 

You should literally

push offers right away. 

I have a theory that I was talking

about with my digiti the other day, 

actually, where my theory was like,

we track our value per lead, right? 

I was looking at our value per lead from a

CEO, even though we were getting the same 

traffic, same amount of opt-ins, etc. 

The value per lead has consistently

decreased from SEO in the last two years. 

I think it’s like some pages. 

It’s one page I was looking

at that was getting lots of traffic. 

It went from $1. 

91 per lead to $1. 

27 or something like that. 

It’s a pretty significant percentage,

especially because we’re talking 

over thousands of email subscribers. 

It’s pretty relevant statistically. 

My guess is that these platforms

are so good at finding the customers 

at this point that they can tell who’s

going to convert and not convert based 

on your usage behaviour of the platform. 

When you’re someone that’s likely

to convert, they’re more likely 

to show more ads to you. 

I can imagine Google shows five ads

to someone who is for the organic 

results, to someone who’s likely

to buy a service and shows one 

or two ads or no ads to someone

who’s not likely to buy a service. 

As a result,

if you rely on organic traffic traffic 

to get your traffic,

essentially the value of that traffic, 

even though the traffic may be the same,

is actually decreasing because the ad 

platform has sucked up all the people that

were going to convert to ads, basically. 

I think that’s what we see on the ad side. 

On the ad side, our value per visitor

is increasing massively because 

these platforms are getting so good. 

And the SEO side, it’s a slope decreasing. 

I don’t know if it’s because

the results are worse as well. 

Maybe there’s a lack of relevance, but

my theory is that ad platforms are just 

getting capturing the right people. 

And just to be clear here, we’re not

saying abandon SEO, just do ads instead. 

It’s still money, right? 

It’s very valuable. 

And as we’ll talk about later,

having a lot of SEO traffic 

can actually really help your ads. 

When you do things like retargeting,

it’s very, very powerful. 

But it’s more the notion that you have

to be open to having not just one traffic 

source and having different channels. 

And the way to do that profitably

and effectively in the long run, 

we believe, is running

your own product, your own offer. 

It’s like SEO was so good

before, you could rely just on it. 

Like I said, five years ago, it was fine. 

Now, it’s like levelled

off with other platforms. 

The other platforms have gone up a bit, so

there’s more opportunities on this end. 

And then SEO has gone down a bit. 

It’s still one of the best traffic

sources, but there’s so many other 

opportunities, and it got a bit harder. 

To put this into perspective as to why and

how social media platforms are so good 

at telling what you would buy or not. 

Do you remember, Gael,

the Cambridge Analytica scandal? 

It was a big data breach.

For the elections, right? 

For 2016, in elections, I believe it was. 

They stole or they harvested

a bunch of data from these Facebook 

apps, and they were able to tell

to a 90 something % accuracy 

how you were going to vote based on

six pages you like on Facebook, just six. 

So if they knew six things,

they could tell very accurately 

how you’re going to vote. 

Now, fast forward to today

and think how much data they 

have because of this short form video. 

Every time you watch a reel go through two

or three times, or you pause 

at a section, or you flick quickly to

the next one, it doesn’t influence you. 

They’re collecting data on that. 

Even the slide pause, you scroll

and you stop for a second before 

you scroll to the next one and you go. 

They actually use It’s great.

I can see it. 

This is how they show you content

that you’ve never subscribed to, 

never liked the page. 

They just know what you’re interested in. 

Even if you’re not really that aware

yourself that you’re interested in it, 

but you just find yourself

watching more and more of it. 

If you found that happening to you,

that’s because these platforms 

have so much data. 

And of course, they’re going to use that

to try and sell you stuff because their 

product, you are their product, and they

make their money through through ads. 

So that’s why it’s so powerful. 

They make their money through people

like us, giving them money 

to find customers, basically. 

And that’s what we’re

going to talk about now. 

Let’s jump onto the main topic. 

We spend over $100,

000 per year on Facebook ads. 

It’s growing. 

That number is growing rapidly because

the targeting has improved and we’ve been 

able to make cold traffic ads which are

a lot more scalable, profitable recently. 

Yeah, quite a few times.

We’ve done quite okay. 

So we don’t grow Facebook pages. 

We send traffic directly to a sales page

to buy something, basically. 

That’s the difference. 

My point of view on Facebook pages is it

seems to be working very well right now. 

I see a lot of good case studies, but it

makes me very nervous as well because I 

see a lot of fake AI images being shared

on them and potentially fake news 

around the election period

that is coming up very soon. 

They are going to be shared through these

pages, and I would be very surprised 

if Facebook did not nuke the reach

of Facebook pages, at least around the 

election period, because of that risk. 

We made a video of this on

the Authority Hacker News channel 

about the rise of AI images and how

older people are being fooled on here. 

It’s a bit of a problem. 

It’s a real problem. 

But for you, dear viewer,

the real problem is overreliance 

on one platform, especially something

like Facebook for organic… 

Yeah, for groups, for pages. 

People have spent lots and lots of money

getting likes to their pages before 

to promote stuff to their audience. 

And then Facebook is just

like, well, we’re not going to 

show your content to your audience

unless you buy an ad directly to it. 

So they’ve done this before. 

I think coming from the background we do,

playing a lot of video games, you see 

the developers will change the meta and

everything changes and you have to adapt. 

Change the meta, good point. 

We’re used to that. 

But a lot of people aren’t. 

And if you build your business

solely and exclusively on one 

of these these platforms, it

can hurt if something changes overnight. 

People will make the argument,

Oh, but your ad stuff is the same. 

Not exactly, because we get the money

back right away, basically. 

So it’s like when people

buy something, that’s it. 

We made a profit. 

We don’t have to build an asset and then

count on it to reach people for a certain 

amount of time to get the money back. 

The accounts show positive

ROR, yes, most of the time. 

And the second is that our incentives and

Meta, Facebook’s incentives, are aligned. 

They want us to do well,

so we spend more money. 

They’re going to defend our ability

to run ads profitably on their platform 

for as long as possible. 

It’s not going to last forever, forever. 

In 100 years, I’m sure it’ll all

be very different, but they’ve got 

your back more than they

do with sending you free traffic. 

I think it’s one of the best defence

against AI as well. 

It’s like these platforms are going

to try to protect their main earner, 

which is the ad platform. 

If you learn how to make these app

platforms work for you, in essence, you 

count on them to fight for you against

big changes coming to the industry 

as information flows differently

on the internet, basically. 

I’m excited for paid traffic for that

as well because it’s something that I 

think is very complementary to SEO and is

more stable because your incentives 

are aligned with these platforms. 

Okay, let’s talk about what we do exactly. 

Actually, we got started with ads

by going a real-life mastermind 

that we have with several friends. 

They almost all run Facebook ads

to offer in that mastermind. 

We were the odd ones. 

We’re the SEO guys of that group

of nobody else doing SEO. 

A lot of them picked up a lot

of stuff from us, but we also 

picked up a lot of stuff from them. 

One example of such a site

that was in this mastermind 

is iPhonephotography School.


You can go check them out. 

They run incredible ads. 

They have incredible courses

on how to take photos with your iPhone. 

To give you an an example of

a company that does that well, 

that is a cool angle. 

And it’s not just online

marketing like we do, etc. 

Actually, we were the only online

marketing people in that mastermind. 

There were people who did

all sorts of things in there. 

Let’s talk about how we structure that. 

How do you make it work? 

And since Mark runs most of it,

I’m going to let you talk and I’m just 

going to try to challenge you, basically.


Okay, so I think we should start

by talking about the offer, the thing 

you’re selling, your product,

because You can’t sell anything 

in this way, especially when it comes to

digital products or courses. 

You need to be quite specific

in how you’re doing this. 

So first and foremost,

and we talk about this a lot when it comes 

to product creation, product ideas,

is the idea that in every niche there are 

going to be things which are exciting

and interesting to your audience that 

they’re ready to spend money quickly on. 

And there are going to be those topics

which are, let’s say, people 

are not going to get out of for them.

They’re not that motivated for us. 

It would be the case that if we sell

something to do with link building, to 

do with AI, people are very interested. 

They want to hear more. 

If we come out and say, Hey, guys, we’re

releasing a Google Analytics 4 course. 

We’ll sell a few, but it’s not

going to be that interesting. 

So make sure that whatever it is you

are selling and producing 

is in the sector of your industry

that’s appealing and and interesting. 

One way to know that is to

go on the subreddit for your topic 

and see what people are asking

about again and again and again. 

Usually, that’s how I

would know what is happening. 

Like whatever community, subreddit

or Facebook groups or whatever you want. 

A couple of ways we did this

in the beginning was we had a lot 

of traffic through SEO. 

This is going back to the health emission

days, which is a site we used 

to run many, many, many years ago. 

And we saw what people were opting

into our email list, and we saw 

what offers, what affiliate offers people

were really buying because we had all the 

conversion data from the platforms there. 

And so we focused in our efforts

on what was doing well there 

to create our own product in that space. 

It’s like a free way to test out

or to validate different topic ideas. 

Yeah, we collect emails, promote an essay,

multiple essay, see which ones make sales 

and make something in the Right

down the alley, you sell directly, 

you get 100% of the money, basically. 

You can still do that today pretty easily. 

In 2024, if you’re doing a course,

it pretty much has to be video, right? 

That’s the expectation these days. 

And a lot of people get put off by that

because they’ve never made a video. 

They’re not a YouTuber. 

They’re like an old school marketer. 

Maybe they have an email list, a blog.

They’re familiar with that. 

But the leaped video is not actually as as

big as you might be be thinking, right? 

The technological barriers there

are as low as they’ve ever been. 

The iPhone these days is amazing

at recording video, actually better 

than a lot of cameras

from four or five years ago. 

The microphone on your MacBook Pro

these days is really not that far 

off a professional studio microphone. 

So if you’re if you’re worried

about the correct studio set up 

and all that, it doesn’t need to

be great to get started with. 

You can do it with just your phone

software like Loom even and a decent mic 

of some sort would be my recommendations. 

And you can do it if you’re not

an 80 speaker as well, because I know 

a lot of people are like, Oh,

I’m not a native speaker, et cetera. 

I’ve done it. 

I’m literally the nation

that’s like, I’m from the nation 

that speaks the least English as well. 

So it’s like, you can figure that out. 

And People have that same question. 

If they’re creating written

content, they’re like, Oh, I’m not 

a native English speaker. 

Things like accents and stuff

come out a lot more in video. 

So people are like, Oh, where? 

But you’re the perfect

example of that, Gael. 

You don’t give a shit, really. 

As long as you have something cool

to say, the methodology and 

the production quality and all that,

it’s nice to have, but it doesn’t matter 

as long as the thing you’re providing,

the value you’re providing is good. 

Hosting courses has never

been so easy as well. 

There’s so many platforms

that now let you host this. 

You don’t need much tech. 

I remember what you did our first number

areas, et cetera, you had to sell 

some crazy custom WordPress

and access rights, multiple tools 

that work with each other in a break. 

Now you can use tools like Circle,

thinky-thick, teachable, et cetera. 

They all have plans around 50 bucks

to get started, basically. 

They’re really great support as well. 

If you’re not tech savvy, they will

walk you through and handle I hold you 

through everything, really. 

Basically, what we’re saying is

the technology is not a barrier 

in the same way that it used to be. 

I want to talk about books as well. 

I think if you want to learn

how to put a good offer together, 

we can’t really break it down, etc. 

But I really liked $100 million

also by Alex Hormozy. 

I think it’s very good. 

I don’t like his second book. 

I’m not a big Hormozy fan for everything,

but I think the first book was very good. 

I think Russell Brunson,

his trilogy, like Dotcom Secrets, 

Expert Secrets, and Traffic Secrets,

are all also very good into getting you 

into the mind of, how do I

put an offer together that converts well? 

Perfect webinar. 

I’ve made lots of money

with that training, for example. 

Very, very good.

His stuff’s Most of it is in the book. 

You don’t need to buy expensive trainings. 

We’re talking like 10 bucks,

10 bucks ebooks. 

So yeah, it’s like that shouldn’t

stop you if you’re not sure 

exactly how to do that. 

But we’re going to talk

about the sales page a little bit. 

The thing is, in terms of how you present

the value, it’s like we like to put… 

Basically, you can’t just

give a course and nothing else. 

You need to put a course

together, but then you need 

to have bonuses and modules. 

So usually, bonuses will be templates. 

There will be There will be cheat sheets,

there will be checklists, 

there will be things like that so

that people feel like they’re getting 

a big package together,

so they’re getting a course, 

but they’re also getting that extra

template, that extra interview, 

that extra checklist, etc. 

Quite often people are more excited about

the bonuses and the stuff you put next 

to the course than what you put together. 

The idea is to assign a monetary value

to each of these items. 

Essentially, it should be worth

a lot more than you’re charging for. 

You put a monetary value in terms

of why it’s worth to a business 

or to someone that you help. 

If they actually implement that

and they actually get the results. 

Then if it’s good enough, people

are going to be pretty impressed. 

Now, in terms of building sales

pages, a lot of people think you 

need some special software or whatever

to build sales pages, et cetera. 

I’ve built multiple seven-figure

sales pages just on WordPress 

with Generate Press and generate blocks. 

That’s the stack we actually

recommend in the courses as well. 

So nothing to change here. 

You don’t need anything else. 

You You have everything. 

It’s all about just

structuring it the right way. 

There’s actually an event. 

If you’re a Platino member, I’m actually

making an event, like on screen event on 

how to be at sales pages in a few weeks. 

But I’ll give you the main sections that

you actually should be having on your 

sales page that pretty much always works. 

First one is the Hero section. 

The headline is always

the same formula for me. 

It’s like how to solve X problem

even if main objection. 

How to lose weight even if

you have a sweet tooth. 

How to be the best paintball player

even if you just have one leg. 


Something like this. 

Obviously, not if you have one leg,

but what would be the main objection 

people would say if they’re not good

at paintball? 

Even if you don’t aim

very well or even if… 

It’s like the headline always works. 

Just pick that. 

It’s the best way to start. 

After that, you can A/B

test if you want to do something else. 

You need to have that. 

Usually, we use bullets to give

a quick idea of what’s inside. 

We put an image on the right

that essentially shows what the product 

is or illustrates something

around the idea of that. 

We put a call to action button

that tends to scroll down 

to the pricing section That’s what

we’re going to talk about in a second. 

Then we have the problem section. 

People tend to, when they build sales

pages, directly sell, they directly 

put the product in front of you. 

It works for software. 

I think for software,

you can condense that. 

But when you’re selling info products,

it tends to be better to take some time 

to expose the problems people are having. 

Let’s say in this case of the weight loss,

for example, I’d be like, Okay, well, 

maybe you’ve tried 60 diets in your whole

life and you You’ve regained the weight 

you’ve lost every time and you felt

miserable when you were taking diets. 

Then you just find reasons

why people do that. 

You didn’t have a structured plan,

you didn’t have a follow-up, you didn’t 

have a community to support you,

you didn’t have all of that, etc. 

You Highlight why people may have felt/

why the problem is such an issue 

for people and what the consequences

are going to be if they don’t solve it. 

Then you share your journey to solution. 

Usually when you sell a product,

you have solved the problem yourself. 

You tend to share your journey

to solution or the journey of someone 

that you’ve helped to solution. 

Sandra had the same problem. 

She had tried the keto diet,

the paleo diet, etc. 

She couldn’t make it work.

She looked the same 10 years later. 

By implementing a very simple

intermittent fasting schedule 

where she was only fasting for 12 hours

a day, here’s the result before, after. 

For example, that would be like

a journey to solution. 

Then I would introduce the product. 

I’d be like, Okay, if you’re

on the same result as Sandra, 

we’ve put everything together into

one convenient package that you can get. 

I would just have a pack shop. 

That’s what it’s called

in advertising, basically, some image 

that represents what you’re going

to get together with a list of everything 

that’s included inside without details. 

Then we have a section

on features and benefits. 

The thing that people tend to have

is they tell you, Oh, there’s 20 videos. 

But 20 videos is not very appealing. 

I don’t want to watch 20 videos. 

I just want to lose weight. 

It’s like, If I could lose weight without

watching 20 videos, that’d be better, no? 

It’s more about what these videos

bring in terms of benefits. 

You put the benefit as the main

The headline would be like, 

Get results quickly. 

Our programme is only 20 videos

and like, complete those programme 

that require you to spend so much time

studying the material, etc. 

The benefit is faster results

because you have less time studying, 

more time doing something else. 

Another feature, benefits rather,

would be like maybe social proof. 

You can be using something

like, Oh, hundreds of people 

have had results already. 

Like your turn now,

for example, some scientists. 

It’s all about

finding the features of what you have 

with what you’re selling and putting

essentially the benefit as the main 

headline to catch people and then lead

into the feature on how you achieve 

that benefit when you explain that. 

That’s how- It’s like some It’s

a little bit the reverse 

of writing a product review, almost. 

Yeah, it’s the opposite. 

You catch people with what they get,

and then if they’re interested 

in the benefit, then they will read

the section below, basically. 

I tend to make these

things quite as cannibal. 

I tend to have a layout where it’s It’s

a two-column section where there’s 

a paragraph on one side and an image

that represents the benefit on the other 

side, and I just alternate them. 

It’s like text is here, image

is here, then text is on the right, 

and then image is on the left, etc. 

It breaks down visually as well. 

People just pick the headlines

they want to read and read that because 

people rarely read entire sales pages.

It’s very long. 

Then after that,

I do a section on what’s inside. 

It’s like a proper breakdown,

like a table of content type thing 

with what’s inside each module,

what’s inside each thing, etc. 

That’s where I also include the bonuses. 

The bonuses are highlighted in a

different colour or something like this. 

People understand that

they’re outside of the course. 

Then we have the pricing section. 

The pricing section, actually,

I borrowed that from Russell Bronson. 

I basically make what we call a stack

where I highlight every single item 

that is included. 

20 videos, cheat sheets, templates,

community, calls, whatever you put 

in there with the a monetary value

in front of each item so that I can 

add it up to a big number, basically. 

Then cross that number and say,

Well, you only pay this much. 

This is discounted

by this much, basically. 

That gives people the impression

that they’re getting 

a That’s a good deal doing that. 

Following the pricing right

after, we always put the guarantee. 

So guarantee is usually 30 day

money back guarantee or 60 day money back 

guarantee, whatever you’re offering,

just to reassure people. 

They know the price now and you want to

tell them, Look, it’s going to be fine. 

And we just throw testimonials and then

they say, Q and assign a call to action. 

That’s pretty much

my default structure for the sales page. 

I would throw some stuff in other sections

sometimes, but yeah, I’ve made lots 

of money doing The thing I say

about a sales page is you can 80/20 it. 

So a lot of people think,

Oh, it has to be this perfect thing. 

And they look at companies

that have been doing it for 10 years 

and how polished some of their material

is and they go, Oh, I can never 

create something like that. 

But don’t look at that. 

Look Go back and look at what those

company sales pages used to look like. 

Our ones when we first

started out, they weren’t great. 

They were very bare bones,

but they communicated… 

I had pictures of Game of Thrones on them. 

They communicated the core

things, and that is what matters. 

And I know if you’re watching

this podcast, you think, why did we 

get in the Facebook ad stuff? 

Well, we’re already there because

this stuff is what makes the difference 

in Facebook ads these days

versus things like the targeting, 

which we’ll get onto in just a sec. 

Because Facebook ads are so easy. 

It’s all about where you

send people, actually. 

I think we should probably

have said that before. 

Before we get into the targeting,

I do want to talk about price points 

and funnel structure and set up,

because that’s also very important. 

I want to talk about

what’s working now in 2024. 

There is this concept of

impulse buy territory, which can 

be somewhere between 30 and $200. 

It tends to be higher for a B2B

product, lower for a B2C product. 

I think, if you want to learn

how to cook a steak, you’re probably not 

going to just on a whim drop 200 bucks. 

But if you’re going to learn how

to invest and make money, you see it as 

an investment, then that could be higher. 

Or if you want to do something

for your business, then again. 

Real estate as well, for example,

let’s have a between two. 

For sure. 

And the Impulse Buy territory

price, we’re talking about 

the amount of money people spend. 

And the amount of How many people

spend and the first price that people 

see are two different things. 

Think about it when you’re taking

a flight, you might go to 

a sky scanner or Google flights. 

You search in where you want to go

and you see all the pricing. 

You go, that’s the cheapest one. 

You go through. 

However, by the time you add in the seat

you want, the priority boarding, 

which you have to do now in Europe,

if you want to take a larger carry on, 

they’ve tied that together. 

All these types of extra things

that they throw at you, the insurance, 

the fast track, the extra bags,

they probably charge you for 

kid seats and things like that now. 

I don’t know. 

But the amount of money

they’re potentially getting out of you 

is higher than the first price you saw. 

And the same thing happens, or the same

thing should happen with your funnel. 

So that’s why we’ll have order bumps

and upsells as part of this. 

If you don’t know what an order bump

is, it’s a product that you 

can opt in for when you’re checking

out for another product. 

So if you go and a course on how to invest

in real estate, 

when you get through to the cart,

just as you’re about to put your credit 

card details in or your PayPal,

there’ll be a little box that says, Oh, 

would you also like

to join this live seminar? 

And we’ll teach you how to invest in

this other type of product or whatever. 

And literally, that’s all it is,

a sentence or two in a tick box. 

And the idea is that you can

get about 30 to 40 % of people 

ticking that box and increasing

the average order value of your product. 

It’s a lot more than you think. 

A lot of people take it. 

Why is it important to do this? 

Because the higher you can increase

your average order value, the more 

you can spend to acquire a customer. 

So you’re It’s easier

to run profitable ads. 

So we want to have an impulse buy

product which has the potential 

to make us more money at the same time. 

And that’s why when we get

into doing upsells, this can really 

be where people make their profit. 

This is the profit maximiser. 

There’s different ways to do it. 

You can have an immediate upsell

to something a little bit 

more-What’s an upsell?

Explain to people. 

Some people might not know. 

If you don’t know what an upsell is,

after you have entered your card details, 

you clicked purchase, you think,

Okay, let me check out my product. 

There’ll be a video or a page where

they’re like, oh, here’s everything, 

your order is on its way to you. 

But we just want to give you this one time

special offer where you can get a It’s 

a much bigger product, usually for

often a discounted price or with extra 

bonuses or there’s some scarcity based

thing to make it appealing 

to buy at that point in time. 

Again, the idea here is that a percentage

of people will click that button and will 

take the extra things you have to sell. 

And it can really increase

the average order value when you do that. 

Some people do it right

at the point of purchase. 

It’s also possible able

to do it afterwards. 

So maybe after people have been

through your course or after 

a certain amount of time.

A couple of days, yeah. 

Or even a lot of people

now calling up people. 

They have sales teams that…

Don’t scare people off. 


I know when I don’t even want to say that. 

People are like, Oh, I don’t want to… 

I used to be with you now,

I have to call people. 

I don’t want to call people.

I know. 

But I’m just saying people are doing it. 

And it’s not like a cold sales thing. 

It’s more like a warm

sales customer success. 

If you’re familiar with that term,

we’re trying to help people 

get the most out of their product. 

And then, casually mention

that you have this other thing as well 

that they might be interested in. 

And again, certain percentage

of people are going to go for that. 

So all of this is about making money and

about increasing the average order value 

while still having a product that you can

sell front-end that appears to be in that 

impulse buy territory window. 

I want to say this stuff

is the most important. 

Putting this offer together

with the other banks, the upsells, 

etc, it’s 90% of the work. 

Everything else is easy

if you do a good job here. 

It sounds boring because

it’s more business stuff. 

You’re not clicking. 

Actually, you have to come up

with something a little bit more 

intangible, but that’s really

how the big winners are going to be made. 

Then once you’ve done that,

the actual ads are pretty easy. 

There’s two or three elements to ads

that we’re going to talk about. 

The first is ad targeting. 

And what we talked about earlier

about Facebook getting so good 

at knowing who’s going to purchase

your product, it’s gotten to the point 

where you don’t really need to

do much at all in the way of targeting. 

Three, four years So you used to have to

say, I want people from these countries 

who like this and who have this interest

and really specify a lot of things 

about someone before Facebook

would be able to find you good buyers. 

Now, a lot of people are doing campaigns

where it’s just target everybody 

on Facebook and optimise for

the goal of a conversion. 

For cold traffic, you can also

do lookalike, which is where you 

feed Facebook data about who’s purchasing

your product, and then it will try and 

find people who lookalike those people. 

So back in the day, it was people

who used to like similar things. 

But now Facebook is

much more sophisticated. 

So it just knows people who are behave

the same way as these people 

because they interacted with

various elements across platform. 

Which is scary, actually.


Yeah, it’s crazy what they know about you. 

We won’t go down that route. 

But there’s also this concept

of advantage lookalike. 

Which a lot of people do these days,

which is not just people who look alike, 

not just people who look similar to the

people who are purchasing your product, 

but one step beyond that as well. 

So this really increases

the potential size cold traffic campaign 

while allowing you to still find people

who are likely to buy your product. 

So we use a lot of that at the moment. 

There’s another stage beyond that,

which is called Advantage Plus Audience, 

which takes that one rung further. 

And it’s really going very broad. 

We’re not there yet. 

That’s more when you

get past a certain scale. 

But yeah, the days of fine targeting

and tweaking are gone, really, 

on Facebook for cold traffic. 

If you do that, it’s a bad idea. 

It’s better to give Facebook a

larger audience and let them do the crazy 

AI stuff they do with finding the right

people and trying to outsmart the system. 

I started like that. 

I was trying to be like, There’s no way.

I know better. 

I know my audience, I know

my product, I know all of that. 

They don’t know. 

I was trying to micro-target everything,

and I would rarely get profitable. 

When you let it go and you just… 

You need to have some conversion beta,

though, otherwise it’s a bit difficult. 

I think early on, it might be a bit

more expensive to get conversions, but 

once it gets rolling, because Facebook

gets some wins, basically, by identifying 

who is buying it, then that’s great. 

That’s where your organic traffic

is extremely valuable because 

You have your Facebook pixel

on your thank you page when people buy. 

That’s how people identify who bought. 

They don’t just do it

based on Facebook ads traffic. 

They do it based on all your traffic,

which means if you have an email list, 

if you have organic traffic that buys,

if you You’re feeding that data 

to Facebook

that then learns from it and finds more 

people on Facebook through their ads

to make more sales for you. 

It reduces the cost of your ads. 

It increases the potential number

of people that you can sell to 


It makes starting easier

because the hardest part is getting 

your first few conversions. 

It might cost quite a bit

to get started if you do it 

with Facebook ads, but if you’re able

to generate that through organic 

channels, then this synergy is is killer. 

That’s why you can even beat pure

paid marketers if you mix posts 

because you feed data that they don’t

have to Facebook that cost them 

a lot of money if they want

to acquire it through ad channels. 

That’s the power of doing both,

of being both a creator in a business. 

And speaking of using your existing

audience, your organic traffic, 

to feed data into it, the second type

of campaign you should be doing is a warm 

traffic campaign or retargeting campaign. 

And this is typically a smaller

budget, something between like a third 

and half of what you spend

on cold, obviously, depending on 

where you’re at in the scale. 

But this is essentially anyone who’s

visited your site in the last six months 

or so, which obviously if you

got a lot of organic traffic, 

you can target all of these people. 

Anyone who’s engaged with you on Facebook

or Instagram, you can upload lead lists. 

So you can take your active campaign

or whatever email platform 

you’re using, literally upload the list

of emails directly into Facebook, 

create an audience for it. 

Some tools, active campaign lets you

create dynamic custom audiences. 

So whenever someone gets to

a certain part of your email sequence, 

it could be simply opting in. 

It will automatically add them

into that custom audience. 

And you can retarget these people

with very, very cheap Facebook ads. 

The warm targeting, the warm traffic

retargeting ads are essentially 

It’s essentially free money

if you’re selling anything, really, 

because these are the warmest types

of people who already know you. 

They’re familiar with your product. 

They’re probably close to buying already. 

And these ad campaigns are really just

pushing them over the edge. 

Similarly, if you’re running

a cold campaign, that is also 

building up your warm audience. 

Because think about it,

people engage with that. 

They’re engaging with you on Facebook. 

If they click on your sales

page, they’re on your site. 

They’re now in your warm campaign. 

And your warm campaign can really hit them

harder because the amount of people 

in that audience can be much lower. 

And okay, the budget’s lower,

but those people are seeing 

the ads more often than they likely are. 

It’s not just if they

click to your site, though. 

It’s like if you run video

ads, you can retarget people 

who watch a certain percentage. 

You can see people who watch more than 50%

of the video, for example, they’re 

in my retargeting campaign, and they’re

going to see your ads a lot more often. 

It’s like a self-selection process

of people who skip your video, 

they don’t get retargeted,

you don’t invest a lot in them. 

People who show interest

by watching your videos, they end up 

in your essentially more aggressive

ad campaigns because they’re closer 

to conversions and you monetize

your call traffic better, basically. 

It’s so profitable to do retargeting

that There are micro businesses 

that basically exist. 

They go around and they find companies

who are not doing retargeting, 

and then they just offer them

to set up a simple retargeting campaign. 

And 100% of the time,

you can make money out of it, 

basically, because the cost per sale,

cost per lead, cost per whatever action 

you’re trying to get is so low

because you’re essentially providing 

the audience to Facebook and saying, Hey,

I know exactly who’s 

here and who you should advertise to. 

When someone comes to me with business

advice, that’s the number one thing 

I tell them to do.

It’s not SEO, it’s not any of that. 

It’s like, set up your

retargeting on Google. 

It’s literally free money. 

There’s no simpler way of saying that,

but if you’re not doing that and you have 

something to sell, you should do it. 

If you have organic traffic,

it’s where you should start as well 

because you can retarget people

who went on your site, et cetera. 

You don’t need to do anything. 

Also, it’s a really good synergizing thing

to do with posting a lot on Facebook 

and Instagram because anyone who engages

with your organic content enters your 

retargeting campaign if you want as well. 

If you’re an active Instagrammer,

if you post stories, or if you post 

on Facebook pages and you do what a lot

of people are doing in the industry right 

now, and you can sell a product. 

It’s like a winner because you can post

content, you can get that extra organic 

reach because platforms are essentially

pushing your content past your followers. 

People who engage, you can say,

Okay, now show them my offer. 

What is really good is you don’t need

clicks to site for your organic posts. 

You don’t care.

People don’t need to click anywhere. 

It’s very easy to get lots of reach

because platforms tend to reduce 

the reach of posts with links. 

You don’t have to worry

about that anymore. 

You just get reach, get people engaged

that are in your market, and you let your 

retargeting has do all the conversion and

making money for you while your organic 

page is just here to engage people. 

It’s so much cleaner as a system rather

than trying to drive traffic 

from the organic posts, actually.


And just in terms of budgets then. 

So you should start something

around $100 to $200 per day, as I said, 

about two-thirds cold, one-third warm. 

Can you start with less? 

You can, but if you’re going in this fresh

with no data or very little data, 

it takes a couple of weeks of that

for Facebook to really learn exactly who 

to send because it’s going to test

a bunch of stuff automatically. 

It’s algorithms going to be figuring out. 

It’s very normal in the first few days

that you have a lot of conversions 

and no conversions and then

a lot of conversions. 

Then it just takes a bit of time. 

I would argue that if you have

organic traffic and you can drive some 

conversions with your email list, etc,

you could start with less, especially if 

you just start with retargeting and warm.


For the longest time, we basically only

did warm traffic Facebook 

ads, and they’ve always

been profitable, wildly profitable. 

If you can feed that data to Facebook,

to Meta, then it’s going to make it, 

when it comes to targeting cold traffic,

that much easier because you can start 

doing lookalike audiences from day one. 

It’ll start there. 

You’ll know who’s going to convert, and

then it also go in concentric circles. 

I’m thinking the Facebook page guys,

the people who are doing that already. 

Let’s say they’re posting regularly,

they’re getting engagement. 

They could run a warm campaign

to these people to a product. 

Probably $20 to $40 a day

is probably good enough to get started. 

Oh, easily. 

Yeah, it depends on the price points

of all the products and things like that. 

But the thing is,

once you start making money with this, 

you suddenly have not an infinite money

machine, but a machine where you put 

in one dollar and you get out two or

three, then you’re very quickly going 

to keep feeding more money into that. 

And of course, you’re going

to reach limits with that. 

It doesn’t infinitely scale. 

It doesn’t. 

But in the beginning, it’s not like SEO,

where you have to wait six months, a year 

before you start making

any money back from it. 

This can happen in a day or two. 

So the cycle is a lot shorter there.


One thing which affected Facebook ads

really badly a few years back. 

You probably read about this,

but iOS 14 came out and they had this-14. 

5, no?



I can’t remember. 

I wasn’t using iOS at the time,

but they had this enhanced privacy. 

Apple called it privacy. 

I think it was like an anti-Facebook

campaign that they were doing. 

Very much so.

Probably a little bit of both. 

But essentially, if you have iOS,

use Facebook app, you’ve probably seen 

that pop up come up at the start that

says, Oh, do you want to allow Facebook 

to track you across everything you do? 

And the option is, Ask app not

to track, or like, Yes, 

allow it to track everything

I do and see everything I’m doing. 

It’s not quite that, but they make it more

appealing to click, not, don’t track. 

So obviously, most people

clicked, don’t track. 

And overnight, Facebook lost a lot of

its ability to know who you were relative 

to, for example, were you the same person

that was in that warm audience? 

Because there’s a lot

of blockages of the data there 

and the targeting became really bad. 

A lot of people stopped running

Facebook ads for a while while 

they’re trying to figure that out. 

That problem, while it hasn’t entirely

gone away, it’s gone a lot better. 

So Facebook have something called

the Conversions API, 

which I don’t know exactly how this works,

but there’s some connexion between your 

your website and Facebook,

and it’s passing 

some semi-anonymized data back in a way

that allows Facebook to track 

who’s converting on your site

and who’s visiting your site better, 

as far as I understand. 

In practical termsSounds like magic. 

It is. 

It’s literally like Facebook is a bit

of a black box with some of this stuff. 

I’m sure there’ll be people

that will be better able 

to explain how this works than me. 

But all you need to know is

that it largely solves the tracking 

issues, let’s say 80%, to the point

where it all works again. 

I think they’ve also done a better job

at just targeting the right people 

with us, which offset that issue as well

of them tracking less well. 

For sure. 

And for cold traffic,

they’re so good at that. 

This relates often to warm traffic. 

So what happens for a lot of our customers

who have already bought HPro, 

HPro Platinum, is they’ll see an ad

for one of our other products, which 

is included in the bundle, so to speak. 

And they’re like,

why are you advertising that? 

That was included.

Well, it’s not. 

It’s because you either don’t

use the same email on Facebook as 

you did when you sign up for our product

or you have some privacy stuff. 

Yeah, you clicked all these things. 

So that is the effect

of saying no to that. 

So don’t say no.

That’s fine. 

I said no to that myself.



There’s a good actually. 

Let’s talk about creatives.

Let’s talk about creatives. 

Because this is really

where the ad game is. 

What’s a creative?

A creative is an ad. 

So it’s a static ad. 

It’s the text. 

It’s a video. 

Very important these days. 

It’s the content of your ad. 

And that is really the only thing

you can do on Facebook to optimise well. 

Because, again, a couple of years ago,

you would do all the targeting settings 

and that made a big difference. 

Now everyone has more or less

the same targeting settings. 

And so it’s all in the

creative these days. 

The good news is that creatives

are not actually that difficult 

to create, especially given tools

like Canva, if you want to do static 

creatives, even doing video creatives

these days, it’s pretty straightforward. 

I’d say it’s easier to do that than

it is to do a YouTube video or a podcast. 

I agree. 

I’ll break down a standard video creative

And this is the format that we’ve used. 

When we were researching for this,

I looked at hundreds of other companies 

and tried to take the best bits

of what everyone was doing 

and take some insights there. 

So it all starts with a hook. 

The purpose of this is

really stop the scroll. 

A lot of people are doomscrolling

through Facebook, Instagram, whatever. 

And you need to have some pattern

interrupt where you’re just stopping that 

and people are I’m paying attention. 

What’s something different here. 

Something as simple as like

waving your arms around can work a lot. 

So that’s why you see a lot of ads

start with like rapid movement or even 

something completely unrelated to the ad. 

Like a guy just going around the room

on a hoverboard, you’re like, wait, what? 

There’s some very mundane

things these days. 

A guy driving his car and the camera

is just over there just looking like, 

oh, are you into email marketing? 

It’s like, why is this guy in his car

talking about email marketing? 

That is probably the most important part

of the entire ad because it gets people 

to actually watch your ad. 

So what people will do is they

will create multiple different hooks 

for the same ad and the rest of the ad

will be the same and they’ll just 

test out different hooks. 

And you’ll quickly see

what works and what doesn’t. 

And Facebook will allocate

the spending itself. 

You don’t even have to control it. 

It’ll just do it automatically. 

After that, what we do is a pass problem,

agitate solution framework. 

And this is it can simply be like

a sentence or two for the entire 

thing, or a sentence for a problem,

a sentence to agitate it, 

and a sentence for the solution. 

Can you give an example? 

Okay, So let’s go the example

of I’m trying to cook a steak, right? 

The problem is it’s difficult. 

And if you don’t know what you’re doing,

you end up with it being burnt 

on the outside or raw on the inside. 

You’re wasting a lot of money. 

You’ve got that hot date

and you’re You’re trying to impress them. 

And you’re embarrassed or,

yeah, you spend a lot of money 

on a really nice piece of meat. 

A man should know how to cook a steak.


So that’s the problem. 

You’re also agitating it. 

As you say, you do all

that in the same sentence. 

And then you introduce a solution

until you see this seven-step framework 

that anyone can do, even

if you’ve never lifted a pan 

or cooked anything in your life before. 

So that’s alluded According to the fact

that there’s a solution, and people 

will also be interested and say,

Oh, I want to hear more about this. 

What is the solution? 

How is it going to work?

How much is it? 

What’s it going to do for me? 

Then we have this pattern interrupt again. 

So before we provide them with that

result, we tell them about who we are. 

So what are our credentials? 

And this is very important

for cold traffic because you’re 

affirming why someone can trust you. 

So that can be the experience

you have, any qualifications, 

accolades, social proof. 

And again, with video, it’s really good

because you can show if you’ve 

done presentations or you’re on YouTube

and you have videos there, 

you can show clips from that. 

Anything that shows that you

can be trusted, even just a little bit, 

will help in this situation. 

Then next part of it is going

to be expected results. 

So what will this product specifically

do for you, the end user, the customer? 

And here we start, similar to how you

do with your sales pages, Gail, we start 

to touch on the features and benefits

relationship a little bit here. 

Just for context, our videos

are somewhere between a minute 

and a minute and a half in total. 

So this is super condensed, and you really

only need to say one or two key things 

in each point that I’m saying here. 

Next, there’ll be a what’s inside section. 

And again, it’s usually one sentence. 

So a complete solution to cook a steak,

including a full timeline for every meat, 

all the templates, all the cheat sheets

for what to buy in the butcher. 

Aphrodisiac’s spices for your date. 

Yeah, all these types of things. 

But keep it short, keep it sweet,

because you’re not actually trying to 

make people buy just from the ad. 

You’re trying to get them through

your sales page, and then your sales page 

is what actually sells them. 

So you’re just trying to get the click.

Did you tease? 

Did you say, and three more things

or something like this? 

I feel like teasing could work as well. 

We can try it. 

We haven’t so far. 

We usually keep it short, and then

we’ll have some promise or guarantee. 

So I’m a big fan of reducing the risk

of people, especially when you’re doing 

cold traffic ads, reducing the risk

that if it’s not everything 

that they ever imagine and everything

that you promise, then they have an out. 

So some refund, guarantee, or promise

that this is going to work for them 

or the money back or something like that

will just dramatically improve results, 

even if you get a few people who buy it,

get the results and just refund anyway. 

It’s a cost of doing business. 

Then you have your call to action,

which is get people to click. 

Check on the link. 

You want to finish off

by directing people to do that. 

Do you like point down or something? 

Do you Do you adjust it? 

No, because when you’re doing creatives

on Facebook, you have this dynamic 

creative, is it called, option,

which is selected by default. 

So Facebook’s AI will cut and chop all

of your video, audio, imagery into loads 

and loads of different formats

across all its platforms. 

And it’s pretty good actually,

knowing how to do that. 

Sometimes it gets a bit wonky,

but those, they’ll typically 

turn those off quite quickly. 

So if you’re pointing down, but then

the video is cut or it’s a different 

layout, then it might be above you or. 

I don’t say just, I’d say,

Click the link next to this video 

or click the link to get started. 

Importantly, with your creative,

don’t mention pricing because pricing 

is something you quite often test when

you’re running Facebook ads, when you’re 

running any info product, actually. 

And it’s It’s really hard when you’ve hard

coded the pricing into your video, 

you have to go and re-record it

again, then it looks a bit disjointed. 

It’s annoying, yeah.

It’s just annoying. 

So I wouldn’t mention it there. 

It’s also another reason people will click

on the link to see what the pricing is. 

And even if they’re not ready to buy

at the moment, that then puts them back 

into your retargeting audience,

which is cheaper 

to advertise to those same people. 

So again, another benefit

of getting people to click on your ad. 

Okay, so the reason we start with video

is because it’s the most profitable type 

of ad you can run. 

Typically, your return on ad spend

is about double for a video 

than it is to a static image. 

That’s not always the case, but typically,

that’s been our experience. 

So I would always, always recommend

starting there because you’re going 

to find out very quickly whether

the product you’re offering, the offer 

is going to work with video. 

It’s obviously easier to do image ads

because you don’t have to sit in front 

of a camera and do this stuff. 

But that means that it gets

a little bit more commoditized. 

Everyone else.

There’s a lot of people doing it. 

Can do it as well. 

Everyone else has a Canva or a Midjourney

account these days, and they can create 

pretty compelling-looking static ads

without too much effort. 

I think it’s a common thing

in online marketing, right? 

The easier it is to do, the more

competitive it gets, the less it works. 


You need to be willing to to places

where people are uncomfortable 

if you want to get the best benefits.


And a single video that does well

can take a couple of hours to 

do the script and film it and edit it. 

But then that could literally make you

millions of dollars from one video. 

It’s crazy. 

In terms of the types of static images,

though, that work, a few concepts. 

It’s like before and after. 

So what were our steak example? 

A steak before this course

and a steak after this course. 

And a few features of each thing. 

That’s quite appealing. 

Features and benefits. 

So a picture of the steak

and pointing little arrows with what 

the benefit is, what the feature

of your course that’s going to help them 

to achieve a different result. 

Something that works really well right now

for some reason is Post-it notes. 

So literally, it’s just a top-down view of

a desk with Often with a few just really 

odd objects that shouldn’t be there. 

And then just a Post-it note in the middle

with something written on there. 

Nothing dodgier, anything. 

Just like, Wait, why is there a, like,

cell phone next to this, I don’t know, 

Ghostbusters merchandise

or something like that. 

You know what I see a lot these days? 

I see Apple Notes screenshot ads. 

This, I guess, is the same principle. 

I walk so far. 

These are all like a I don’t

know what the phrase is for it, 

but it’s hyper casual ads, almost,

where it doesn’t feel like an ad, 

but it’s just like, Oh, what’s that? 

It’s like native content. 

It looks like an organic

post, and that’s how people want. 

If you think about TV commercials,

even now, but especially from the ’90s, 

if anyone else is as old as us. 

I haven’t seen any. 

Yeah, but it’s very overproduced

and a a little bit cheesy. 

And people are just… 

They put up a front

whenever they see that. 

So a lot of things that work really well

on Facebook are when you’re getting under 

the radar a little bit with your ads. 

People don’t realise it’s

an ad until They’re already there. 

And then you have that reaction like, Oh,

this is actually quite good for an ad. 

I should pay attention to it. 

Statistics ads work really well. 

Us versus Them ads

and before versus after. 

I mentioned that one already

in terms of in terms of creative, 

but honestly, just throw random ideas

that look very different from each other. 

Forget about trying to have them all

your brand colours or anything like that. 

Almost like the more different

they can be from each other, the better. 

We’ll put some of the ones

that we’ve been using recently 

up on the screen as B-roll for the show. 

So you see that if you’re watching

over on YouTube. 

But yeah, that’s it. 

That’s our Facebook Ads formula,

and it’s been working really, 

really well for us recently. 

Yeah, people have been asking,

Oh, what are you guys doing now? 

Google is changing, et cetera. 

That’s one of our big

points of focus, really. 

I really like the idea of aligning

our incentives with the big platforms 

with all these big AI changes. 

It’s like they might replace some free

content with AI because they can and they 

make more money or whatever,

but they will not replace advertisers. 

The idea of shaping your business around

the same incentives as these platforms, 

I think it’s a really great factor of Yes,

it requires a little bit of money to get 

started and it requires some setup because

setting up an offer is not something 

you’re going to do in two hours. 

But it’s probably something that will

pay dividends for the people who pick 

that route over just trying to pigeon the

exact same stuff they used to be doing 

into a different platform, which I see

a lot of people are doing right now. 

I’ll be honest, I’m a little bit concerned

of what’s going to happen to these people 

when these platforms make big changes. 

It’s like, while it’s okay right now,

and I know Facebook pages 

are quite well right now, etc. 

See you in a year and a half

and let’s see where we’re at 

and we’ll see if I was right or wrong. 

But my gut feeling, especially because

it happened in 2013 already, is that it’s 

a dangerous game to play, especially

as people go towards smaller platforms 

like Pinterest as well, for example,

which just don’t have that much traffic. 

If your site is not an amazing

experience, it’s going to be easier 

as a negative to the platform, basically. 

That’s pretty much it. 

If you have any questions,

feel free to drop them on 

the comment section on YouTube. 

Usually, we don’t spend a lot

of time on the comment section, 

but I think for this episode, we should. 

Here’s the deal. 

48 hours after the episode is out, we just

spend an hour going through the comments. 

If you guys have any questions,

we’ll go and answer them there. 

We’ll be happy to tell

you more about that. 

If you want us to talk more about

funnels, products, etc, let us know. 

We know people want to hear about new

solutions, and we’re going to share 

what we do and how we do it, basically. 

This is really just scratching

the surface of this whole space. 

It goes much broader and much deeper

than this. 

Yeah, this was really a basic,

a level one episode. 

We can go deeper on a lot

of these things, even the sales page. 

I could do all episode on that. 

Yeah, thanks for listening. 

If you enjoyed it, don’t forget to

subscribe and review the podcast as well 

because we’re looking for reviews. 

We’ll see you again in

two weeks for another episode. 

Bye, bye.


about the author
Hey I'm Gael, one of the guys behind Authority Hacker. I make a living working from my laptop in various places in the world and I will use this website to teach you how you could do the same.

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