Easlo is a solopreneur who creates and sells Notion Templates and courses to help people with their productivity.

It’s a great example of Authority Marketing and shows that you don’t need a big team to make it happen.
Easlo mostly gets discovered through social media. He creates Videos (Short and Long) and social posts. He’s active mostly on Youtube (shorts & long), TikTok, Instagram and Twitter.

By creating aesthetic videos that teach productivity tips on Notion, he reaches a large audience for free and prompts them to get free templates through the link in his bio.

For Notion users, Easlo’s content is straight, to the point and has a certain minimalist aesthetic that is very appealing. This explains his huge subscriber and view numbers.
His content also gets lots of comments and praise. By getting such great engagement, every new video he puts up gets a huge amount of reach right off the bat, allowing him to reach more potential customers.

When you click on the link in the bio, you are offered multiple free downloads to chose from to turboboost your Notion environment.

Upon clicking on one of them, you get a Gumroad pop up thats you download it or free in exchange for your email but you can also name your price if you want to reward the creator.

Once you go through this step, you’ve entered his email list.
As you join the email list, Easlo will start to send you regular updates that provide value to you. For example, this email where he shares his favorite content creation tools.
Through repeat contact with him, you grow a relationship and learn to trust his advice.
When you join his email list and enter the “convert” phase, Easlo still makes you receive value in your inbox to keep you opening and engaging with the content he sends. For example, this email where he shares his favorite content creation tools.

As part of being on his email list, Easlo also sends promo emails with flash sales for his paid Notion Templates.

They lead you to very well designed sales pages where you can buy the templates for $49-$99.

This solopreneur makes mid 7 figures per year with his authority marketing funnel.
What You Can Take Away From This
- You don’t need SEO to make sales: Easlo doesn’t use SEO at all and social media does all the heavy lifting for him.
- Create a high quality “link in profile” page: Easlo wins at social not only because of his great reach, but because of the experience he gives when clicking on his bio links. It gives you multiple options to pick your path and join his email list (see it here)
- Giving something high-quality for free, then upsell the upgrade: Easlo has free versions of his main templates downloadable for free, this allows him to identify who is interested in the topic and because the experience of “free” is great, his upsale rate is high.